Keeping up to date
The external environment is dynamic: economic turbulence; political conflicts and natural disasters make the headlines on a regular basis. Immigration legislation, and its impact on students, is a hot topic in a number of countries, not just in the UK.
It is important to keep up to date with changes in the UK (and how these changes are reported overseas) and with developments in other countries.
You can do this in a number of ways eg
- receiving email newsletters from organisations listed in the column opposite and in final section;
- monitoring news on websites and via social media: options include RSS* feeds; social media eg Twitter; social networking sites eg LinkedIn;
- signing up for Google alerts

Check out the information sources listed below. If none is relevant to you, use Google to find ones that are and keep a note of them.
- The Pie News
- The Association of Colleges
- Universities UK International Unit
- UKCISA e-news and UKCISA Chief Executive News (Twitter)
- UK Visas and Immigration
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